All Free Patterns,  Amigurumi + Home Decor

Lucky Cat Crochet Free Pattern

Lunar New Year is coming ~~ How about making a Lucky Cat ?

OK. Let’s start!

MRMagic Ring環狀起針
scSingle Crochet短針 
incIncrease 加針
decDecrease 減針
hdcHalf Double Crochet半長針
dcDouble Crochet長針
3mm hook
DK yarn, Acrylic – White 
DK yarn, Acrylic  –  Pink 
Embroidery thread – colour of choice 
Row PatternStitch #
Head to Body 
Start with White, in MR
26 inc12
36 [ inc, sc ] 18
76 [ inc, 2sc ] 24
86 [ inc, 3sc ] 30
9– 1130 sc30
Change to Pink
126 [dec, 3sc ] 24
136 [dec, 2sc ] 18
146 [dec, sc ] 12
156 dec. 6
Fasten off 
EarsMake 2 
Start with White ,
1On the3rd ch from the hook , 1sc , 1hdc, 1dc 3
Leave a long tail ( about 10 cm) before fastening off the yarn
With Pink embroidery thread, sew a few stitches on the middle of the ears.
With the lon tail , sew the ears on the top of the Luck Cat
HandsMake 2 
Start with White , in MR
14 sc4
22[ inc, sc ] 6
Leave a long tail ( about 10 cm) before fastening off the yarn

Embroider the ” claws ”  on the hands.

Sew the hand on the body
Others features.  
Embroider eyes, nose, whisks and also a few flowers or CNY symbols on the body.
This is the part you can play aorund ~  Make a Lucky Cat in your style~
You may tie a ribbon on the Lucky Cat’s neck. Decorate with whatever carries the happy vibe 🙂