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[Please scroll down for English 🙂 ] video tutorial included

一位優雅的小動物好快會同大家見面。姍姍來遲的小動物,希望朋友不要介意,要怪就怪我好了!因為我花了好多時間配物料,配顏色。反而我自己買衣服,一般都是三分鐘以來就做決定。不過這正是 鉤織公仔的吸人之處啊!

再簡單的公仔,過程也總是漫長。完成一個細節會帶領你去做更多細節⋯⋯雖然不做也未必有人發現到^^! ,但公仔的靈魂就是由無數可能不會被留意的細節融滙而成。


I took video on a decoration part of my latest doll, which happens to be crocheting mini flowers.

This video also serves to be :
1) an APOLOGY ><! for the doll’s late arrival. It may be good to share some happiness in the making when we are waiting for the doll’s completion.
2) an INVITATION @^^@ to anyone who hesitates to make thins with their hands( especially doll making) . Doll making or any kind of crafts takes tremendous patience and attention. BUT you would feel a sense of content and calmness nowhere you can buy it with money.


More about my daily life…

After a workshop for a parent group , I resume a few to- be- completed dolls projects. The doll making could only move on slowly given the housework and family responsiblities. Two weeks ago I complained my son that he has asked for far too much Mommy time. OMG.

Anyway, slowness maybe a blessing in disguise. Only in slowness we be our self instead of be someone ‘s expectation. I have renewed the daily schedule with my son after that “complaint”. I still have to spend a significant amount of time playing with him but we all feel more comfortable and we both can enjoy some quality alone time.