About + Contact

Hello, I’m Wendy I designed cute amigurumi (crocheted softtoys) with the them of ” Magical Woodlands” . Crocheting outfits , especially hats, is one of my hobbies too ! I share what I learnt in the process on this Website and my Youtube Channel.

I hope my sharing would help you formulate you next DIY project,
Do it yourself, Do it for yourself!

You could sell the product made with my patterns, as long as you credit “wendyknitly”.
Although I did not promote my finished works so far, inquiry for purchase is welcome.

Contact : wendy.knitly@gmail.com


大家好,我是Wendy, ( aka WendyKnitly) 我喜歡樸素而充滿個人特色的東西。大概是這種想法令我愛上鉤織和設計圖樣。圍繞着生活情景編織各種《魔法森林》小動物和着物。

YOUTUBE 和這網站分享編物記錄,希望大家看了也會更愛手作和編織~


(電郵 wendy.knitly@gmail.com)

結婚禮物- 按preWedding 婚照編織的結婚公仔