
How Do I Start Making Heirloom Dolls

his the why :

This is my first heirloom doll. I made this little gentleman when I have had basic understanding on crocheting. I always like to knit amigurumi but also hestitate to do so.

~ Will the boy like it?
~ What if I fail ?
~ Shall I do something more useful and practical ?

All of these hestitations are overcome when I read this book with my son. I always read beside my son. He always hangs around in children libraries. He can flip paper pages gently sooner he can speak. He likes adults talking about the story. AND this book is the first one he intentionally read the story and memorize the written text. The text is simple enough and the picture is powerfully illustrative. We LOVE this book and the message it conveys. The tiny little gentlemen, equipped with constuction trucks, are always here when the the negithbourhood is in need. I hope the tiny men are not only imaginative characters in the paper work to my son. They can be so close to us ! SO I started collecting yarn and materials for the first heirloom doll projects! Before that I have watched hundreds of doll making tutorials but too timid to make my own dolls.

My son was not passionate of the doll until 3. It probably a devleopment milestone? the tiny man become hs companion in his imagination game. Of course, I did not wait until this point . Soon after I made this tiny man, I start experiementing the next doll… Doll making is so magical. I like the progress which unfolds images and stories in the mind-forest!