
どうぶつの森+ 織作森友會 part I

自懂鉤織以來,應該是第一次手鉤遊戲角色/ 別人設計的角色?一直以來,就是心裏想到甚麼便鉤甚麼,沒想過鉤已設定好的角色啊。有一天朋友問我會不會造動物森友(どうぶつの),我想應該可以吧!反正都是動物和森林,是魔法森林的鄰居。製作期間拍了花絮,無論懂不懂鉤織的朋友,也可以來一趟鉤織森友之旅~

This is a gift for a friend who loves どうぶつの森. Pattern of the head is listed below while the body is still on my paper- notebook ^^! I will update soon. Stay tuned.

有關youtube 影片標題,叫自己的影片做「教學」,只是想容易被search 到啦。始終有點汗顏,說成是鉤織練習/ 日記,比較老實吧!我很喜歡分享「如何應用鉤織」,初學者不用怕織到滿屋都是。鉤織可以融入各種佈置和設計。不只是鉤公仔和衣服呢!

Tia’s Making-of

茉莉花身上的花花圖樣(video demo) ,往下看有頭部圖樣~

Pattern of どうぶつの森/ Tia 茉莉/ head part 頭部

Tools and materials:
2.5mm hook, 100% Acrylic 130m/50g, safety eyes X 2, embroidery threads for eye lashes
Yarn colour for the head : white, yellow , blue

Row Head and nose   頭+鼻Stitch Count
 Start with white colour 白色 
Magic Ring,
started with sc when starting the next row 
R16 sc6
R36 [sc, inc ]
i.e.Crochet this pattern: [ 1 sc and 1 incs] for 6 times 
R46 [ sc,inc,sc]24
R56 [ 3sc, inc ] 30
R6–R1130 sc 30
R1211 sc, 4 dec, 11sc 26
R1326 sc 26
About to start crocheting the nose, add the safety eyes between Row 10 and Row 11 before moving on 
R14 7sc, 6dec, 7sc 20
R154sc, 4[dec,sc], 4sc16
R164sc, 4dec, 4sc12
R17-R1812 sc 12
R19inc, 3sc, 2dec, 3sc, 1 inc12
R2012 sc 12
Leave a long tail then fasten off. 
*It is good to embroider eyelashes for Tia after completion of the head knitting.
Row Cap on the headStitch Count
 White colour 
Magic Ring,
started with sc when starting the next row 
R16 sc6
R36 [sc, inc ]
i.e.Crochet this pattern: [ 1 sc and 1 incs] for 6 times 
R46 [ sc,inc,sc]24
R56 [ 3sc, inc ] 30
R68 [skip, 3hdc shell, slst32
 change to yellow colour 
R7sc along R6, i.e. 32sc32
Row Blue flower on the capStitch Count
 Blue colour, crochet 5 petals on the MR 
R1 5 [ ch2, hdc, ch2, slst] // 
pull the end of the yarn tight to minimise the MR. Leave a long tail for assembly before fastening off
you may check out the video
* follow the pattern with 2.5mm hook and Acrylic worst instead.
Row Ear Stitch Count
 White colour 
Magic Ring
1sc 4 4
22sc, 2dc, 2 dc, 2sc 8
31sc, 2hdc, 1 dc, 2hdc,2hdc, 1dc, 2hdc, 1sc 12
 change to yellow coloue  
4slst around the ear edge , i.e. 12sc 12
leave a long tail for assembly before fastening off the yarn


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