
Mosaic Crochet

The other day I came across a video about MOSAIC CROCHET. The word “MOSAIC” remind me of stained glass windows and scattered glass reborn into beautiful accessories. Imagine you can arrange a variety of colourful pieces by a hook to form beautiful patterns. After watching the video I realize I have made a few pieces of Mosaic crocheted works!

They are all my crochet – self- study according to the book “かぎ針で編む 和柄の小物 (アサヒオリジナル)  ” Mosaic crochet does not require high level of skills. All you need to know is slip stitch and single crochet on BPO ( back post only ). The challenges lie in the design of the pattern and concentration in the process. The pattern is like a digitalization of a drawing while you are a programmer who has to execute the pattern accurately. Each little bags I made take me 4 or 5 hours to complete. (!)

While Mosaic means ” a pattern or picture made using many small pieces of coloured stone or glass”, each of the patterns in the book I referred includes 2 or 3 colours only. That’s why I did not relate those works to a European style mosaic crochet. However the technique are the same , and I do love the traditional Japanese style. I have a high standard to decide whether I should buy certain book. ” かぎ針で編む 和柄の小物 (アサヒオリジナル) ” is certainly one of the books I like to keep on my desk! The technique in crocheting and pattern designing I learnt from this book greatly uplifted my skills in dolls making.

hey! hey ! This is not an advertisement- post. ><! )
hey ! hey ! hey ! DO let me know your recommendation of crochet book.

Mosaic Crochet Demonstration :

video not by me, but it is clear and precise. I would have saved a great deal of time if I have watched it earlier.