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Strawberry Bag 士多啤梨斜孭袋

Hi, let’s make something sweet in a weekend afternoon.

Abbreviation (US terms)
MRMagic Ring環狀起針
scSingle Crochet短針 
incIncrease 加針
decDecrease 減針
dcDouble Crochet長針
bpdcBackpost Double Crochet裏引長針
4 OR 4.5 mm hook
Worsted or Aran yarn, Pink – for the main body
Worsted or Aran yarn,Green – for the leaves,the bag’s strap and the string
Yarn of choice OR Embroidery thread – white , for the seed

Video is available in Cantonese for the time being. Still, the demo may help !

As a bag, it does not have strict requirement on hook sizes and yarn. You may experiment with what is on your hands.

Welcome PM or tag #wendyknitly on IG if you try the pattern out!

RoundPatternStitch #
Main Body Part 1 
Set UpStart with Pink,  MR
26 inc12
36 [ inc, sc ] 18
56 [ inc, 2sc ] 24
76 [ inc, 3sc ] 30
830 sc30
96 [ inc, 4sc ] 36
10– 1536 sc36
166 [dec, 4sc ] 30
176 [dec, 3sc ] 24
change to Green 
Don’t cut the yarn , continue knitting as follows
MainBody Part II –  ” Tunnel ” for the Pull-string Bag  
Continue with Green
198 [ 1ch , 2bpdc ] 24
Now, we can cut off the yarn and hide the end with a tapestry needle
Set upStart with Green.
Since the dc on Round 19 is crocheted on back posts only, you would find the front posts of Round 18 obviously shown on the front side of the crocheted piece. Working on those 24 posts to crochet 6 leaves.
the 1st leaf1ch on the first stitch ,
Leaves Pattern :
 skip 1 stitch,
 on the third stitch, 2dc, 3ch,slst on the 1st ch,2dc, 
skip 1stitch, 
2nd – 6th leaf1sc on the next stitch,
 skip 1 stitch,
 on the third stitch, 2dc, 3ch,slst on the 1st ch,2dc, 
skip 1stitch, 
slst on the first stitch of this round to finish off.
Don’t cut off the yarn after crocheting a round of leaves.
The Leaves Pattern : Video Demo
The Strap for Wearing the Bag 
Crochet a strap for wearing the bag by sc.
I crochet the string to 30inches. Feel free to adjust the length for your preference . 
Use a mark or safety pin to mark where your want to connect the string onto the bag. Connect the string to the bag by sc and slst. 
String for closing and opening the bag 
Crochet a 20inces long string by sc.
Of course, You may want a longer or shorter string. Test to find the exact length you need before cutting off the yarn
Strawberry Seed 
Embroider seeds on the strawberry with white yarn. 
Suggestion 😛
each see on the next round should be in between of the 2 seeds on previous round.