All Free Patterns

How to Read the Patterns in this Website

Hi, I hope this key is simple and illustrative to the written pattern I jotted on this web site. I will enrich this key from time to time. Stay tuned!

Abbreviations ( US terms )

sc = Single Crochet 短針
hdc= Half Double Crochet 半長針
dc= Double Crochet 長針
tr= Treble Crochet 長長針
Inc= Increase 加針
dec= Decrease 減針

ch= Chain 鎖針
slst= Slip Stitch 引拔針
MR =Magic Ring 環狀起針
R = Round 行
R=Row 行

Example :

  1. 6 [ 3sc, inc ] , slst , ch
    it means : 3 single crochet followed by an increase is one group of stitches. Do this group of bracketed stitches , i.e. [3sc, inc ] for 6 times, then make a slip stitch, then chain.